Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project: PPW. Day 7

To catch up any late readers....

I'm 7 days into my first ever foundation piecing quilt. I'm using a system invented, designed, thought up, and refined by Raymond K. Houston. If you'd like to read what has gone on so far, there are links on the right side from start to current post.

Tonight I completed 3 more "tiles". I even made a small 'design wall' so I could see the blocks as I finished them. I currently have 8 blocks done and the designs I'm coming up with are varied.

Heres a 4 patch using 2 tiles of each color combination

Heres all 8 blocks, notice the squares that emerge between the dark stars.

Notice how each block has a matching color touching. This in itself could lead to a different star pattern, or depending on the rotation of the block a totally different design.

When I get more blocks completed the design will no doubt get more complex. And much more AWESOME!


  1. What fun you are having with this...and what fun we are having watching your blocks appear on your wall.

  2. Keep up the good work, Greg . . . is making the blocks getting any easier??

  3. All right, I admit I was reserved about the colors and the patterns. I just didn't have your eye and couldn't see it. But it is looking really cool!

  4. This is looking sooo cool!! Like a kaleidoscope ... will have to swing by Raymond's web site...



  5. Now that is very impressive. I really love it Greg...Alot of incredible possibilities.


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